Breast Augmentation (Mammoplasty)

Breast augmentation (mammoplasty) is a type of cosmetic surgery, but it may also be performed for reconstructive reasons. The implant type and size depends on several factors, such as how much bigger you want your breasts to be, your breast anatomy, skin thickness and elasticity, and body type. The incision points can be in the … More Breast Augmentation (Mammoplasty)


Botox (botulinum toxin A) is a neurotoxin. When inserted in the muscle, this toxin blocks nerves from transferring to immobilize movement for a certain period of time. When applied to the face the wrinkles are straightened out. It is also effective after square jaw reduction and calf reduction surgeries. Botox weakens the advanced masticatory muscle, … More Botox

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Welcome to our blog! Our goal is to provide you with useful and practical information about plastic surgery procedures and our clinic in Seoul, Korea. We have staff on had ready to answer any question you may have and we will respond to you as quickly as possible. Dr. Jino Kim